Jeff MackSpecial Operations, Nationwide Vehicle Recovery Assistance

Jeff is a veteran of the motor industry, with over 40 years’ experience in the accident repair and recovery sector. His career goes from the shop floor to director-level management. However, his passion has always been to promote a joined-up and unified post-accident market, working to provide the best customer care whilst ensuring a healthy bottom line for all sector work providers.
Jeff started his career as a panel beater/painter in North London, progressing into sales for several major coatings companies/distributors, and then into Head of Bodyshop Network Management for Honda (UK), Toyota (GB), Mazda Motors UK, and Renault UK; he was also Head of Bodyshop and Recovery for the RMIF from 2003 to 2007. He has worked with and advised major industry stakeholders such as Verex and Vizion, and several major insurers.
He is currently working as an independent consultant (Jeff Mack Consultancy) focusing on business development in the specialised post-RTA recovery area with industry leaders Nationwide Vehicle Assistance. Jeff’s interest in HE/Hybrid Vehicles stems from working with the 29 Motor Manufacturers for whom NWVA provide post-RTA recovery and storage services. Two years ago, during lockdown, NWVA asked Jeff to investigate if their network was sufficiently equipped and trained to safely recover High-voltage Electric Vehicles (HEVs). What resulted was one of the most thorough investigations into the safe handling of any HEV from the time it leaves the dealer to end-of-life disposal.
Jeff Mack Consultancy is now working with Rob Ward Consultancy and Park Lodge International to offer the combined fruits of that investigation in customised and certified training courses to all agencies and businesses that are responsible for dealing with post-RTC HEV handling, repair, and recovery. The list of people, agencies, and companies that they have trained is rapidly growing and includes first responders (Fire and Police), motor industry manufacturers and related industry bodies (NBRA, IMI), vehicle repairers, vehicle insurers, accident management companies, and recovery networks throughout the UK. All of their courses are now certified by the IMI and are the most extensive, intensive, and expert courses available in the safe handling of HEVs particularly with suspected or actual traction battery damage, be it for first responders, recovery agents, vehicle repairers.
Jeff is an avid fisherman and Arsenal fan and has been married to his Canadian wife, Linda, for 20 years; together they raise hopes and German Shepherds in Bourne, Lincolnshire.