Tuesday, 19 March 2024
7.00pm – IBIS USA Welcome Reception in Partnership with Axalta
Wednesday, 20 March 2024
8.15am-9.30am – Arrival and Registration
9.30am – Transforming, Tomorrow, Together – An Introduction to the 2024 IBIS Journey
A deeper dive into key topics, with tangible and actionable outputs.
Jason Moseley, CEO, IBIS
Dave Smith, IBIS moderator
A Dose of Reality – USA Industry
Innovation is rife in our sector to improve customer experience, digital and self-served claims, touchless technology, and the use of AI for damage capture and triage.
At the repair level, new, improved efficient products and systems from global supply-based providers. Higher levels of technical information and repair planning availability, vehicle system evaluation and safe repair technology, efficient parts ordering systems, new talent attraction initiatives, and training provision.
And yet, the consumer remains negative about our sector, low trust, and finding increased lead times on their vehicle repairs.
How can this be?
Day one of IBIS USA will put this question to the test as we seek to get under the skin of the industry and put some uncomfortable, but necessary, questions to participants to get to a tangible set of actionable outputs.
We will start with our ongoing issues around attracting people, technicians, and talent. There are some fantastic initiates out there, with a lot of people working extremely hard to solve a crisis… are we really all pulling in the same and collaborative direction?
10.00am – Collaboration of Our Various Talent Acquisition Programs
We will take an in-depth look at the technician shortage and the organisations aiming to solve the problem. With so many programs in place, why do we still have a problem?
Dave Smith, IBIS moderator
Molly Mahoney, national marketing & engagement director, Collision Engineering Program
Brandon Eckenrode, executive director, CREF
Jennifer Maher, CEO, TechForce Foundation
Dara Goroff, vice-president, planning & industry talent programming, I-CAR
Erick Bickett, director, CCI
11.15am – Coffee and Networking Break
11.45am – Collaboration of Our Various Talent Acquisition Programs (cont.)
12.30pm – Networking Lunch
2.00pm – How Can We Do More With Our Collision Industry Employer Brands?
An Employer branding expert will be looking at what employer branding is and why fuelling it matters. With his experience in recruiting new talent, he will explain the requirements to consider when increasing your talent pool and making your workplace the most attractive it can be. There will be an opening keynote session before inviting industry participation to create action plans.
Dave Smith, IBIS moderator
James Crawley, entrepreneur, investor, business consultant, speaker and author
Jason Hope, vice-president of business development and strategic projects, The Boyd Group Inc.
Sabrina Thring, brand president, Driven Brands Collision Group
Jay Hayward, senior vice-president, operations, CSN Collision
Jason Scharton, senior manager, global expertise delivery, 3M Collision
Matt Ebert, founder & CEO, Crash Champions
Melanie Allan, vice-president, Craftsman Collision USA
3.15pm – Coffee and Networking Break
3.45pm – How Can We Do More With Our Collision Industry Employer Brands? (cont.)
4.30pm – Women’s Industry Network (WIN) Update
4.45pm – Day One Conference Close
7pm-9pm – IBIS USA Exclusive Networking Drinks Reception and Dinner – in Partnership with Axalta
Thursday, 21 March 2024
9.30am – Welcome Back to IBIS USA 2024
9.35am – The Bermuda Triangle – Insurers, OEMs, and Collision Repairers
Another dose of reality – if we are all pulling in the same direction, why isn’t the consumer (vehicle owner) more satisfied?
We will explore, the sharing of data, putting the car and safe repair at the heart of the debate, those joint decisions for the benefit of the customer.
Still working in silos, protecting each other’s territory must change.
Key players will debate how to find a win-win with locked-in and tangible actions emanating from this debate. Involving the wider IBIS USA delegates not just those on stage.
Representatives from key sector areas will debate and answer searching questions – with a call to action to make changes.
The goal is to make a more efficient and circular repair benefit the whole supply chain and hence the consumer.
Dave Smith, IBIS Moderator
Sean Carey, IBIS board member & Ambassador
Taylor Moss, manager, Repair Intelligence Team, OE Connection
Craig Edmonds, president, asTech North America
Christopher Wallace, U.S. collision & brand protection manager, Ford
Farzam Afshar, CEO, Abundance Thrive LLC
Kyle Al Rifai, Chief Executive Officer, Swift Recon
10.35am – Coffee and Networking Break
11.05am – The Bermuda Triangle – Insurers, OEMs, and Collision Repairers (cont.)
Tanya Sweetland, VP | OEM partnerships & standard of quality, Caliber Collision
Odom Wu, president & founder, First Frontier Solutions
Matt Boland, vice-president, global refinish technology & product platform, Axalta Coating Systems
Christopher Wallace, U.S. collision & brand protection manager, Ford
12.05pm – IBIS USA 2024 – Action Plans Summary and Closing Remarks
12.30pm – IBIS USA Delegates Networking Departure Lunch