Leanne Jefferies, Vice President, Assured Performance Network/Certified Collision Care & Director, Skills Canada Collision Repair Program

Over the past 25 years Leanne has worked with stakeholders to collaborate and develop solutions to create a better, more sustainable future for the collision repair industry.   

Today, as vice president, Assured Performance Network/Certified Collision Care, she is part of the management team responsible for North American operations of Assured Performance in the US and manages the Certified Collision Care business in Canada.  

She led the introduction and growth of Certified Collision Care, Canada’s largest OEM certification programme, representing over 65% of cars on the road, administering certification programmes for 11 OEMs.  

Leanne is also director, Skills Canada Collision Repair Programme, promoting careers in collision repair at Skills Canada events across the country for the past 14 years.    

She was honored in 2014 as a Most Influential Women in Collision Repair (MIW).

Her automotive career began with 12 years’ ownership of a collision repair facility, followed by a five-year career in publishing.  From 2014 -2016 as director of Collision Programmes for AIA, she was instrumental in successfully restructuring and expanding the scope and scale of the Canadian Collision Industry Association (CCIF). 

Leanne is a regular contributor to industry publications, and an advocate for women in the collision repair business.
