Transforming, Tomorrow, Together: Our Vision for the Collision Repair Industry in 2024
In 2023, we experienced a year of unprecedented success stories as we explored “Sustainable Strategies for Success” around the globe at IBIS Worldwide. Our global platform connected industry leaders across diverse markets, bringing together specialists, thought leaders, and external content presenters who shared invaluable insights and expertise. The result was a historic milestone in our journey, setting the stage for a remarkable year ahead.
As we look forward to the opportunities that 2024 will bring, we’re ready to take our portfolio of events to new heights and extend our reach to new regions across the globe. IBIS is renowned for offering world-class networking opportunities, and our upcoming international events will be no exception. The cornerstone of our global roadmap for 2024 is our new and invigorating theme: “Transforming, Tomorrow, Together.”
This theme was conceived in response to a common thread we discovered in the collision repair industry across all markets: the need for strategic alliances. In the face of an exponential surge in innovation, technology, and market dynamics, industry stakeholders have come to realise that working together is paramount for transformation.
The theme slogan, “Transforming, Tomorrow, Together.” encapsulates the collaborative spirit that will be at the heart of the collision repair industry’s evolution in 2024. As the industry faces unprecedented challenges and opportunities, this theme underscores the urgency of forming alliances and partnerships that transcend geographical boundaries and unite industry players in the pursuit of a brighter, more sustainable future.
Our commitment to this transformative initiative was officially unveiled during the IBIS Global Partners and Ambassadors meeting at SEMA 2023 in Las Vegas. The event served as a testament to our dedication to fostering collaborative efforts that will steer the industry towards innovation and success.
As we embark on this exciting journey into 2024, we invite collision industry leaders, innovators, and stakeholders from around the world to come together, share their knowledge, and pool their resources. Together, we will navigate the ever-evolving landscape of collision repair, ensuring that the industry remains resilient, sustainable, and adaptive in the face of change.
“Transforming, Tomorrow, Together.” is not just a theme; it is a call to action, a shared commitment to shaping a brighter and more prosperous future for the global collision repair industry.
2024 is a groundbreaking year of fresh content that will again drive transformation in the worldwide collision repair sector. Don’t miss this opportunity as places, partnerships, and involvement are limited after the record-breaking “sell-out” of 2023.
Contact Suzie Scott at [email protected] or call 07545 068455 to show your interest in attending or partnering any of our upcoming 2024 events.
Stay connected with IBIS as we embark on a groundbreaking year of transformation.
We can’t wait to have you on board!