IBIS Australia 2024 – Agenda

Tuesday, 23 July 2024

7.00pm-9.00pm – Networking Drinks Reception – Ballroom 1 Foyer

Wednesday, 24 July 2024

8.00am-9.00am – Arrival and registration

Tea, coffee and light pastries available from 8.15am

Welcome and networking time

9.00am – Handing over the baton

Michel Malik, CEO and Group Publisher at BodyShop News International links today back to the success of the 2023 International Collision Congress before handing over the baton to IBIS Australia to build on that success with today’s conference.

9.05am – Welcome to the IBIS Australia 2024

Jason Moseley – CEO, IBIS Worldwide formally welcomes delegates and introduces Robert Snook as the IBIS Australia 2024 Moderator.

9.10am – Getting more from IBIS Australia

Robert Snook, IBIS Australia 2024 Moderator, outlines the objectives for the day and sets out the timings and format of the event, explaining how delegates can get involved via the IBIS App.

9.15am – The Bodyshop of the Future

What leading bodyshops will look like tomorrow and how they will work differently to today.

Interactive panel session with limited screen graphics. Whole room discussion and debate.

Where’s it all headed? How will all this new technology enable us to be better? We fast track to the future to discuss how the industry leaders will Transform Tomorrow Together. How will they keep it real, but integrate the new technologies and innovations coming to Australia, to innovate traditional supply chain and bodyshop models that will reduce current bottlenecks and operational frictions.

Jason Scharton, senior manager, Global Expertise Delivery, 3M
Chris Daglis, managing director, Auto PARTnered Solutions
Brian Driehorst, chief revenue officer, Headlights.com

Sarfraz Ali Kyani, circular economy analyst & researcher in Automotive Recycling

10.05am – Effective Leadership

Because people love leaders, but will only ever tolerate managers.

IBIS Interview followed by whole room discussion and debate.

Leading the way forward is better than managing or just coping with what’s to come. If we don’t lead our team and business to deliver our preferred plan, we will ultimately get given a different plan by the market. Our plan is always better. We talk to a global leadership expert about the importance of leadership in times of immense change and the benefits of listening to the voice of your customers so you can Transform Tomorrow Together.

David Gunderson, president, Automotive Aftermarket Division, 3M
Jason Moseley, CEO, IBIS Worldwide

10.35am – Coffee and networking break

11.05am – Australia – A Collision Industry in Transition

How associations are helping drive sustainability and leave a positive legacy.

Interactive panel session. Whole room discussion and debate.

With increasing focus on Environmental Social Governance, alongside technological change increasing in pace, members need associations to perform more than ever. How are they engaging key stakeholders – and how has their mission progressed since we were last on this stage together 12 months ago?

Kaes Cillessen, general manager media, marketing and policy, MTA SA/NT, CAC representative for MTAA.
Stephen Jenkins, general counsel & head of employment relations, MTA/NSW, CAC (Code Administration Committee) chair and CAC representative for MTAA
John Khoury, industry policy advisor, VACC / board director (AASRA)
Kathy Zdravevski, industry policy advisor, VACC, CAC representative for MTAA

11.50am – Rewriting the Definition of “a Good Repair”

How new vehicle technologies are impacting repair capability in Australia.

Opening presentation. Interactive panel session. Whole room discussion and debate

New vehicle technologies are changing the insurability and repairability landscape around the world, rewriting the criteria for ‘a good repair’ and the definition of a positive customer experience. We take a look at the growth of new vehicle technology in Australia and how it is impacting repair methods, operations and auditability, so that we can all successfully Transform Tomorrow Together.

Peter Neal, GM Aftersales Strategic Projects, Hyundai Motor Company Australia
Stephan Stergiou, CEO and co-founder, OpenClaims
Dave Calder, chief operating officer, Drive Group
John Karavasilias, director, MPSR Group
Phil Peace, international managing director, Repairify
Jason Trewin, chief operating officer, I-CAR Australia

1.00pm – Networking Lunch

2.05pm – People – Our No 1 Asset.

The importance of building a team to Transform Tomorrow Together.

Apprentices and Attraction

Interactive panel sessions. Whole room discussion and debate

People. The number one asset and yet the number one puzzle for many business owners. Starting with Apprentices, we break people processes down into Attracting, Recruiting, Developing and Retaining good people, to examine how we can reenergise and refocus our talent strategies moving forward, before closing with looking at a successful Australian Case Study of a business who get their people and succession planning right.

Adina Nijemcevic, group apprenticeship manager, AMA Group
Lauren Mortensen, 3rd year spray painting apprentice, AMA Collision VIC

Kelsey Lyons, 3rd year spray painting apprentice, Capital SMART WA
Dario Tonon, managing director, Eblen Collision Repairs
Sarah Karavasilias, in-house counsel, MPSR Group
James Black, Sheen Group

2.45pm – Recruitment, Development and Retention

New recruitment ideas and skills to capture the opportunity created.

Ben Chesterfield, general manager, Car Craft Accident Repair Centres QLD
Fred Molloy, managing director, Konnecting Group
Jeff Peevy, vice-president industry relations, I-CAR
Steven Davies, owner and director, Northside Smash Repairs and Director, Car Craft Accident Repair Centres QLD

3.25pm – Succession

An Australian case study on how good succession planning leads to great success.

Family businesses can often struggle with succession. Every family meal becomes a board meeting, where the real business needs, long term goals, strategies for success and other goals and objectives never seem to come on the agenda ahead lists of things that have already happened. We talk to an Australian business who got their succession right – and are reaping the rewards today.

Trent Walkden, owner, South Tweed Autos Smash Repairs, Brisbane
Brian Lennon, business development director, Castle Coachworks

3.50pm – Closing remarks

Robert Snook summarises the event and reviews key points and take away actions. Confirms IBIS activity for remainder of 2024 and into 2025. Thanks patrons, sponsors, ambassadors, speakers and attendees.

4.00pm – IBIS Australia 2024 Closes

Delegates depart at leisure.