09.30 – Welcome to IBIS China 2019
Jason Moseley, CEO, IBIS
09.45 – The connected car
Sean Carey, SCG Management Consultants LLC
Sean will explore the technologies that are currently enabling the connected car from the standpoint of all those involved in the Chinese and global auto collision repair industry. What do they mean and what are the challenges and opportunities for the repair shop, OEMs, the motor insurance sector and so forth?
Sean will discuss the evolution of autonomous vehicles, the complexity of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) from an insurance and repair perspective, the ever more sophisticated expectations of the consumer and how our industry needs to adapt accordingly.
10.30 – Optimising data processing in collision repair claims
Chen Sheng, data development center director, Solera.
We will explore how data can be used to make more accurate decisions in the collision repair chain, positively impacting the vehicle owner’s insurance claims journey. We’ll touch on new technologies that are allowing us to move towards the vision of touch-less claims.
11.15 – Coffee break
11.45 – The challenges and opportunities of an increasingly mobile Chinese society
Nikos Peratis, regional manager, Road Assistance China
Nikos Peratis from Road China Assistance will be speaking about the current mobility climate in China as well as the challenges, opportunities and the future of road travel.
12.30 – Augmented claims information and the customer journey
Feng Jun, president, Jingyou Group
13.00 – Lunch
14.00 – Keeping pace with ever-evolving vehicle technology
Sawyer Gong, director, GiPA China and Eric Devos, president, GiPA
As vehicles become ever more technologically advanced and refined, so increases the complexity of repairing them. Sawyer and Eric will look at how this conundrum is playing out in China and how the situation there compares with how European markets are adapting to the rapidity and scale of change.
14.45 – Chinese coating market under environmental pressure and economic decline
Peter Chen, refinish product manager, Axalta China
15.15 – Coffee Break
15.30 – Innovation in collision repair processes
Vigin Wang, marketing manager, TTS Tooltechnic Systems (Shanghai) Ltd.
This session will centre around the heart of the collision repair process within the body shop. What are the new approaches to processes, parts, training and equipment that affect a deeper quality repair?
16.15 – The skills gap – turning a negative into a positive
Aomen Xu, gold medalist of Autobody Repair at WorldSkills Kazan 2019
For years now the auto collision repair industry has been the poor relation when it comes to a career choice. Its poor reputation and lack of inward investment have meant school and college leavers have tended to give it a wide berth. This perpetual downward spiral has now come to a head with the realisation we’re now facing a huge gap in new talent coming through as their highly skilled and long-serving forebears are heading into retirement. Immediate action is required. Our WorldSkills speaker and panel of industry experts will share and debate with the audience the inherent issues and resultant challenges whilst presenting the solutions that, with a good headwind, will turn this negative situation into a positive one for generations to come.
17.00 – Conference close
09.30 – 致欢迎词
09.45 – 联网汽车
10.30 – 事故车维修索赔中数据处理的优化
Chen (查理) Sheng, Solera数据开发中心主任
11.15 – 茶歇
11.45 – 流动性越来越大的中国社会面临的挑战与机遇
12.30 – 机遇与挑战,中国涂料市企业面对环境压力和经济下行的解决方案
陈宇 , 艾仕得涂料系统中国区产品经理
13.00 – 午餐
14.00 – 跟上不断发展的车辆技术的步伐
索耶•Gong,GiPA 集团中国区 总监; 埃里克·德沃斯:GiPA集团中国区 总裁
14.45 – 附加索赔信息与客户旅程
Feng Jun, Jingyou 集团 总裁
15.15 – 茶歇
15.30 – 事故车修复工艺的创新
Vigin Wang, TTS工具技术系统(上海)有限公司营销经理。
16.15 – 技能差距——把消极变成积极
Aomen Xu – 2019喀山世界技能大赛汽车维修金奖获得者
17.00 – 结束