Partner in the spotlight: AkzoNobel

- June 15, 2020
- Posted by: Simon Wait
- Category: Partners
IBIS (International Bodyshop Industry Symposium) is delighted to shine the spotlight on its enduring and highly valued partner, AkzoNobel.
IBIS and AkzoNobel have collaborated on IBIS Worldwide events since the very beginning two decades ago. Of the partnership, IBIS CEO Jason Moseley said: “As this year we mark the 20th anniversary of the IBIS Global Summit, I am delighted that AkzoNobel is as much as ever at our side with their counsel and expert industry insight. They continue to support us in creating world-beating content, recruiting the best speakers and developing an exemplary delegate experience”.
One significant advancement in the strategy of both AkzoNobel and IBIS is the adoption of digital technology. For IBIS, it is a move to deliver its regional conferences online using the latest tools and techniques in creating the end-to-end conference experience in a virtual environment.
Both organisations recognise the world as we know it today will be different tomorrow, and again in the days after. In a world that is constantly changing and becoming more connected, strong digital tools are vital to engage and communicate effectively. As well as offering proven performance and high-quality coatings, AkzoNobel leads the development of innovative digital solutions.
In 2017, AkzoNobel’s Vehicle Refinishes business launched Carbeat™ as the industry’s first such digital solution that helps improve production efficiency and communication. Through the system, managers, team leaders, technicians and third parties can follow vehicle repair status information with real-time overviews and thus ensure the entire shop is in sync.
“Technology is playing a growing role in our industry. Our mission is to help accident repair professionals save time and money, and we are proud of the system our team has created to help achieve that.” says Mike Sillay, product manager services, AkzoNobel.
Designed for simplicity and customisability, Carbeat™ is easy to adopt and incorporate into any existing workflow. It also runs from the cloud, and therefore requires zero software installation or high-end technological expertise to implement and maintain. It is the latest example of AkzoNobel’s digital innovation and use of big data. The company also has in-depth knowledge and expertise in digital colour design and colour matching, surface design and protection.
In a case study involving 85 collision centers in North America, AkzoNobel found that Carbeat™ helped body shops reduce cycle times on average by around 10 percent just a year after the system was put in place. First introduced in North America, the application is now also available in Europe and selected markets in Asia.
In partnering with IBIS and its network of worldwide industry-wide stakeholders, AkzoNobel is actively helping both organisations raise knowledge levels, promote thought leadership, entrepreneurialism, product and service development and investment in skills and training for body shops across the globe.
If you are interested in Carbeat™ and would like to find out more, please complete the contact form on the Carbeat™ website or email [email protected].