Christian Garrezchairman of the executive committee, DARVA

Christian GARREZ holds an engineering degree from the National School of Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Computer Science, Hydraulics, and Telecommunications (ENSEEIHT). After starting his career in consulting, he held several positions as CIO and CDO within major media groups.
He has been leading DARVA since October 2017, bringing his experience, creativity, and conviction to his associates, clients, partners, and colleagues in the company’s major innovation and transformation processes.
Founded in 1988 in Niort, DARVA is now a leading player in the field of claims management platforms in France, with over 17,000 connected sites (insurers, body repair shops, auto and home appraisal firms, etc.). In 2023, DARVA processed 8.4 million claims files, transmitting 250 million messages.
As a national software publisher, DARVA actively contributes to the dynamic ecosystem of the insurance industry.