Erick Bickettdirector, CCI

Erick has been in the Collision Industry for 45 years. Starting the collision repair business in 1987 Erick and his partner grew the collision business to 10 locations at 40M. Erick was also Co-Founder of Caliber Collision centres with 6 other collision repair partners in 1991. Erick Founded Collision Industry Electronic Commerce Association (CIECA) in 1992. Then Erick founded FIX Auto USA in 1997, a Franchise network with over 165 locations in 15 states when Erick and his partner sold the collision businesses to Driven Brands in April of 2020. Following that in 2001, he founded CynCast a technology company serving thousands of Collision repair shops then later Erick sold CynCast to Enterprise Rent a Car. Finally, Erick and partners founded Collision Career Institute (CCi) an educational organisation supporting Apprenticeships in the Collision Industry. Today Erick is still active in the industry as CEO of NuVentory Systems a software company he invested in to help Collision Shops manage their paint and material inventory.