José María Cancergeneral manager, CESVIMAP

MSc in Mechanical Engineering from ICAI and in Automotive Engineering by INSIA, he has been awarded this year as “Selected Engineer of the Year” by the Professional Engineers Association of Spain.
Always involved in the automotive world: PSA group, Hyundai Motor group, Bergé Automoción group (now Astara), he founded in 2011 his own engineering company: KeelWit Technology. He deployed there more than 45 engineering projects in 11 countries before selling it. Awarded in 2011 and 2016 as “Entrepreneur of the Year” by the ICAI Engineering Association and by the financial newspaper Expansión.
Since 2019 he has directed CESVIMAP, MAPFRE’s R&D center, providing a new vision of mobility trends and implementing value propositions for the insurance industry. This includes building a test area for electric vehicle chargers, a new crash test area for testing vehicles, a photovoltaic plant for self-consumption with storage in batteries from scrapped electric vehicles or cybersecurity threats in vehicles. Also developed 2 patents, and implemented research programs with CDTI and the Horizon Europe program.
Associate professor at INSIA and ASEPA, he gives multiple conferences, and has written countless articles. His book, in 2021, “Hire Aesop as a board member”, has been recommended by numerous managers to bring the profile of the businessman closer to that of the entrepreneur.