Matt Bolandvice-president, Global Refinish Technology & Product Platform, Axalta Coating Systems

Matt Boland is the Vice President of Global Refinish Technology and Product Platform at Axalta Coating Systems. In this role, Matt leads a global team of technology managers, product managers/specialist, scientists, engineers, and technicians who are responsible for new product and color development, manufacturing, and customer support.
Since 1996, Matt has contributed to Axalta’s success through a variety of roles in research and development, manufacturing, product management, process engineering, technical service, and sales. Prior to his current position, Matt was Axalta’s Vice President of Global Transportation Coatings Technology, Product Director of Global Light Vehicle, and Research Manager for the Waterborne Coatings Technology Group.
Prior to Axalta, Matt held positions with the Ford Motor Company as a paint process engineer and at the University of Notre Dame as a research assistant.
Matt holds a Bachelor of Science in chemical engineering from the University of Detroit, a Master of Science in chemical engineering from the University of Notre Dame, and an MBA from Michigan State University.