Prof. Michael CoxFounding Director, LSE IDEAS / Emeritus Professor of International Relations, London School of Economics

Professor Michael Cox is a Founding Director of LSE IDEAS and Emeritus Professor of International Relations at LSE, and helped establish the Cold War Studies Centre in 2004 and expand it into IDEAS, a foreign policy centre based at the LSE which aims to bring the academic and policy words together.
He has also held several senior professional positions in the field of international relations including chair of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), member of the Executive Committee of the British International Studies Association and of The Irish National Committee for the Study of International Affairs. He also serves on the editorial board of several academic journals and has been Editor of several leading journals in IR, including The Review of International Studies, International Relations, Cold War History, and International Politics.
Professor Cox is a well-known speaker on global affairs and has lectured in the United States, Australia, Asia, and in the EU.