Raúl GonzálezIBIS Iberia conference moderator

Raúl González is a journalist and consultant specialising in the automotive aftermarket and new mobility sectors. He is a founding member of the communication consultancy MP3 Automoción and a representative for Spain of Word Shopper, a knowledge platform focused on automotive and mobility future trends, and promoter of “Somos Movilidad”, a communication services company specialized in automotive and mobility markets. He also coordinates the initiative “Cuida tu coche, cuida de ti” (“Take care of your car, take care of yourself”), that organises the ´Carrera del Taller por la Seguridad Vial y la Movilidad Ingeligente´ (Garage Race for Road Safety and Intelligent Mobility).
Furthermore, he also promotes the networking initiative “Posventa Plural”, which organizes the “Garage Network Meetings”, and the “Club de la Posventa de V.I.”, a club for professionals and entrepreneurs in the aftermarket of commercial and heavy-duty vehicles. He has collaborated with the main Spanish automotive associations and some of the most important spare parts manufacturers, distributors and garage networks. He is also a member of the Automotive Think Tank of the IE Business School.