Trenton DambrowitzCTO, Halo Group

Trenton is the CTO of the Halo Group in the UK. Halo have 29 repair centres (as of April 2024) in England and Wales and are the UK division of the IRS Group with approximately 200 bodyshops across Europe. Trenton has experience in both US and UK bodyshops and is an accredited Vehicle Damage Assessor in the UK.
Seeking to better understand the wider collision repair market and ecosystem, he self-funded his trip to the 2023 IBIS Global Summit where he met the MD of Halo (Jon Parker) and CEO of the IRS Group (Matthias Rolinski).
Most recently, Trenton has been applying AI to the ecosystem and working to build the next revolution in our industry. He is a member of the invite-only OpenAI Forum and has obsessively continued to deepen his understanding of the technology.