About Bahrain Insurance Association
Bahrain has achieved preeminence as a leading regional financial services centre, through the Government’s wise and farsighted policy of maintaining an open and diversified economy base and by paying close attention to the legal and regulatory infrastructure. This has provided the framework for the Bahrain insurance industry to flourish and for Bahrain to become the insurance hub of this important region. The Bahrain Insurance Association was established in 1993 under the umbrella of the Ministry of Social Affairs. On 27th August 2009 BIA reincorporated officially under the CBB and are being the first financial services industry association to be reincorporated under CBB, with registration number (1). At present, there are 44 members comprising various local, foreign insurance companies, re-insurance companies, brokers and service providers.
Vision & Mission
Bringing together the insurance industry to facilitate exchange of information and cooperation in all matters relating to the industry .
Creating better insurance awareness for the various segments of the society . Stimulating education and training and improving the technical skills within the insurance industry.
Organising seminars and specialised programs and attending relevant conferences, meetings and events
Promote sound, ethical and professional standards within the industry.
The Association Main Objective
Interfacing with the Central Bank of Bahrain and other appropriate authorities and bodies in other industries to represent members’ interests.
Promoting the insurance industry and fostering public awareness in Bahrain. Promoting sound, ethical and professional standards within the insurance industry .
Facilitating exchange of information and statistics and the resolution of issues on specific and non-competitive developments impacting the insurance industry .
Promoting education and training and improving the technical skills within the insurance industry.